1977 - officially named for Laura Engels Wilder who wrote "Little House on the Prairie." She was born in Baraboo, Wisconsin.
This is a park development where land acquisition was first proposed in 1972 as a long-range park/school site. The purchase was finalized in 1974 using matching LAWCON funds. The owner of the property, Lena Radinz, was given life tenancy in her home and outbuildings with about 3 acres. When she moved to a nursing home in 1983, the buildings and remaining acres were deeded to the City of Green Bay.
1977 - Due to explosive growth in the area, the Council representative initiated preliminary development of the park site with a request for funds in the 1978 budget, which was approved. Progressive installation of facilities over several years and a shelter were completed in time for the 1981 ice skating season.
1980 - School officials indicated that they were no longer interested in building on this site "at the present time."
1988 - Due to growth in the southwest areas, consideration was given once again for building a school in this area.
2007 - The Wilder Neighborhood Association was given permission to place a memorial to Arnie Wolff, Green Bay Firefighter who died in the line of duty, in Wilder Park.