History of Green Bay's Parks

Red Smith School/Park

Three acquisitions were made in 1994 for what was known as Neighborhood 15. On January 15, 1994, 15.06 acres (Part of Parcels 22-144, 22-110 and SC-197 and Parcels A & D) were purchased from Robert Vander Kelen for $120,480. On January 19, 1994, 13.69 acres (Part of Parcels 22-145 and 22-109) were purchased from the University of Wisconsin Foundation, Inc. and St. Norbert College, Inc. for $109,520. On April 21, 1994, 13.24 acres (Part of Parcel 22-148) were purchased from Darrel and Carol Fager for $105,920. The Green Bay Area School District reimbursed the City $115,120 for the portion used for school purposes. Matching funds were received from the DNR for $110,399.86 for the combined parcels. This was 50% of the total of the three parcels less the School District portion of the cost.

In 1998, the Park Committee and Common Council adopted the site plan and approval was given to start development. The school’s multi-purpose room was designed with input from the Park Department to better suit our needs. The site was named by the School District.

In June 2000, the Park Committee authorized up to $30,000 to go toward the development of the playground as a shared project with the Red Smith Parent Teacher Organization. The City’s portion of the total cost was $24,254.

The first summer Playground program was held in 2000.

2003 - Park Committee authorized proceeding with park development.

In 2006, a splash pad was added.

Riverview Place

In December 1988, the City accepted a deed to land on the west bank of the Fox River, north of the Main Street Bridge at N. Broadway and Prairie Street. It contains 9,100 sq. ft. and perhaps can be used as a small boat-launching site.


  1. Only annotated statements have been verified. Any other historical statements are unverified and based on personal knowledge or informal notes kept by the Green Bay Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department.
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