History of Green Bay's Parks

Lakeside Park

In 1965 when Preble consolidated with the City of Green Bay, there were three areas on the north side of Nicolet Road (now Bay Beach Road) which were designated Lakeside Place No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. About 1975, it was no longer referred to as three different sites but it was just "Lakeside Place". Improvements were added such as a drinking fountain, octagonal shaped shelter, basketball court, play equipment, softball and picnic areas.

1976 - The Boy Scouts put up an encampment for the bicentennial celebration.


Lakeside Park was among the parks of the Town of Preble until the town consolidated with Green Bay in July of 1965. The park as taken over by the city consisted of three sections south of Lakeside Place, north of Nicolet Drive (since renamed as Bay Beach Road); all designated as Community Park. 1 Each of the parts was less than an acre in size: 2


1 Informal combined abstract for Town of Preble parks, handwritten version, dated 11/64; same information, typed version, undated; photocopies of covers from the actual abstracts, Northern Abstract Company, no date visible in the copies. PRF file CONSOLIDATION: Preble and Green Bay. (The typed version is also found in PRF file Park Areas: Preble Park.)
2 Park Sites, Former Town of Preble, one undated Page 13 of some larger report. PRF file Park Areas: Preble Park.

Only annotated statements have been verified. Any other historical statements are unverified and based on personal knowledge or informal notes kept by the Green Bay Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department.
Last update: July, 2013
Email: webmaster