History of Green Bay's Parks

Joliet Park

1969 - Negotiations for an easement for right-of-way purposes for the Scott shoreline sewer to service the Sisters of St. Francis at Bay Settlement involved parcels owned by the Denis Family Trust. Eventually a narrow portion of shoreline was deeded to the City for park purposes in lieu of paying assessments for the sewer installation. Development was postponed until Nicolet Drive was relocated farther to the east, which would make the small park more accessible and usable.

1979 - This park was named using the established policy with the Board of Education, and the winning name was submitted by a class at Sullivan School.

1989 - The Park Committee supported a request by Joe Morgan, property owner adjacent to the park, to purchase 7-1/2’ of park property extending in a triangle to the shoreline. Mr. Morgan made the request because his landscaping was done too close to city property.

1990 - The Park Department and DPW agreed to better define Parent Road, which enters the park, to make clear private and public properties.


  1. Only annotated statements have been verified. Any other historical statements are unverified and based on personal knowledge or informal notes kept by the Green Bay Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department.
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