History of Green Bay's Parks

Riverview Place

A small parcel along the west side of the Fox River was deeded to the city in 1988. 1 This land was accepted by the city council at the intersection of North Broadway and Prairie Avenue for park purposes. 2 The parcel consists of about two-thirds of an acre at the water's edge within a 260- by 100-foot rectangle plus a strip about 20 feet wide which extends to the government dock line 3 (thus guaranteeing future access to the river).

The site is crossed by a number of utility lines 4 but the one recorded problem resulted from a break in a petroleum pipeline which runs under Broadway in front of the park area. 5


1 Copy of warranty deed, Wiliam G. Lewis and Betty Lou Lewis to City of Green Bay, December 5, 1988; document no. 1173382. (Filed with documentation for proposed Cellcom underground cable crossing, December 20, 1998.) PRF file, Riverview Place.
2 Copy of resolution as proposed for meeting of city council on December 20, 1988; prepared by Tim Kelley, City Attorney. PRF file, Riverview Place.
3 Legal description in warranty deed, supra; note handwritten on file folder, .68 Acres 29,500 SF; copy of survey map, Robert D. Hall, Land Surveyor, dated August 4, 1981. PRF file, Riverview Place.
4 Plan showing utilities, hand dated 7/20/05; letter requesting easement for telephone cable on behalf of Cellcom, dated September 13, 1998; letter from Michael J. Pierner, Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District, to William Landvatter, Director, Parks, Recreation and Forestry agreeing to protect trees and maintain access to the river during sewer construction; copy of minutes of Park Committee meeting of February 18, 2009, approving the GBMSD easement. PRF file, Riverview Place.
5 Copy of email from Matthew Heckenlaible, Assistant City Engineer, dated February 19, 2009, summarizing repair work performed on the West Shore Pipeline Co. line, including photos. PRF file, Riverview Place.

Only annotated statements have been verified. Any other historical statements are unverified and based on personal knowledge or informal notes kept by the Green Bay Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department.
Last update: March, 2011
Email: webmaster